
Friday, March 14, 2025

Name That Model Day

Yes, friends, it's time for everyone's favorite parlor game, Name That Model.  I'm posting an even dozen classic era physique photos for which I have name for neither model nor photographer.  
So please hit the comments button and get your guesses on the board.



I love the pleasant and matter of fact expression on this fellow's face.



This model emerging from some reeds is one of several in today's set that look familiar.
I cannot, however, find a name for him, even with two image search engines.



There's a catalog number, W-6, for this one.


Fishnet and tan lines

We got a lot of fish net here and some fine tan lines.



Ever since this popped onto my screen I can't get Credence 
Clearwater Revival's "Sweet Hitchhiker" our of my head.



The column pedestal might be a clue as to the photographer,
even though quite a few of them used that prop.



This unknown has swallows tattooed on both hands.


Overhead sword

This model looks serious, and after all, he is holding a deadly weapon.


All over

I've seen this photo all over the internet, but no one 
seems to have a name for the model or photographer.


Unfortunate cropping

I find the cropping here to be unfortunate, particularly given the quality of the model.


Another familiar

Our final unnamed model looks familiar, and the style reminds me of Douglas of Detroit.
The lighting, however, does not follow Mr. Juliff's usual methods.


Thursday, March 13, 2025

Solo Swimmers Day

Today we look at some solo shots of a variety of swimmers, beginning with "Johnny" at Refuge Cove from 1948.  Johnny looks like he knew he had something going on and knew how to work it.


Taking a dive

The first of two divers in today's set is leaping into what looks like a flooded quarry.



I have a feeling that this one was made by one of the California physique photographers.



I doubt this fellow was French,
but I found him on a French website.


Beach Bulge

Mr. Scumbeast called this one "beach bulge."

Indoor dive

Our second diver of the day did it indoors.



If this man wasn't a professional model, he should have been.



Here we have a fellow looking bemused on the diving board.



This guy has to be posing, because I can't imagine that postion being relaxing.


Lakeside shack

Our last skinny dipper had his photo made beside a lakeside shack.


Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Helmut Rottgen Day

I accidentally discovered the work of German photographer Helmut Rottgen a few weeks ago while researching some one else.  These are the only male nudes by him I could find, and that may be because he moved on to cinematography not long after shooting today's photos from 1980 to 1982.  We start with a model in a ruined Berlin industrial site.


Holding Hands

These two holding hands look quite Germanic to me.


Opposites attract

They say opposites attract.



Mustaches figure prominently here.



I think these two look comfortable together.


Hairy Guy

This hairy fellow is my favorite of the day.


Long hair

These two went for the long haired look.



These two look pleased with themselves.



I find the facial expressions here to be enigmatic.



I call this one "Peekaboo Around the Boyfriend."


Ruins again

I'm finishing the Helmut Rottgen series with what I believe is the same model we startee with.