
Tuesday, March 11, 2025


Gaudenzio Marconi is one of my favorite photographers, and I was very pleased
 to come across this and four other of his works recently that are new to me.



This one is by Louis Igout.



My source says this is by Vincenzo Galdi.


Sandow by Falk

Here we have the immortal Eugen Sandow as photographed by Benjamin Falk.


Von Gloeden

The last of our known photographers' works is supposed 
to be one of Von Gloeden's early pieces.


19th Century Day, Part 2 - Unknown Photographers

The French National Library has only the year, 1855, for the first of six
photos in Part Two by unknown photographers.



I find this African model to be quite impressive.
Disclosure:  I removed severe yellowing from the image.



We have a rarity here in that we can actually see the hair on the model's back.  In most 19th C. photos, body hair was blanched out by the harsh flash lighting generally uses.  This one appears to have been taken outdoors, and that may account for the visibility.


Hmmmmm . . .

Why do I get the feeling this model may have done some action porn?


Arms folded

The style of this makes me think of Marconi,
but the usually impeccable source said "Anonymous."


France 1890

The source for our final 19th C. photo had only "France, 1890"
in the way of information on this photo from a broken glass plate.


Monday, March 10, 2025

Earle Forbes Day

Earle Forbes is one of my favorite photographers, and I've acquired some more of his work since the last series I did on his work.  This model looks familiar, but I have no info on him.  Anyone?


Unknown with staff

This unknown model with a staff looks like he's saying,
"Am I getting this right, Mr. Forbes?"



All I have on this one is a year, 1940.


Charles Whitlock

Although we might wish to see more of him,
this picture of Charles Whitlock is still pretty good.


Lou Di Angelo

Earle Forbes made good money photographing bodybuilders in trunks for the burgeoning fitness magazine industry starting in the 1930s.  This shot of Lou Di Angelo is a good example.



A sword makes a good prop in this Earle Forbes photo of an unknown.



This is Rudy, half of the male acrobat duo of Rudy and Renald.
They posed as a pair for Al Urban, and this is the only solo nude I could find.


Barton "Bunny" Mumaw

Barton "Bunny" Mumaw was probably a contact from Earle Forbes'
early career as a dancer and photographer of dancers.


Mel Cohen

I'm not aware of Earle Forbes having the legal problems that so many other male 
nude photographers had, but he did use the device of the drawn on posing strap 
in this photo of Mel Cohen.  Better safe than sorry, I guess.
If anyone has an origial of this, please contact me.


Right at us

This not the clearest photo, but the impressive model is looking right at us.


Sunday, March 9, 2025

Military Day

It's military day, and we start with a shot that came to me cryptically labeled "Army Swim."



These soldiers are doing their laundry in a small stream.


North Africa

I think these are U.S. GIs in North Africa drying off after a portable shower.
This may be by Eliot Elisofon, but my source didn't say.



I usually post these St. Mary's College Pre-Flight School pictures as full sets, but this 
particularly nice photo was a stray among today's generic military.  This fellow is older
 and beefier than the usual cadet, and his jockstrap has "Ackerman" stenciled on it.


Horse or man power?

These German troops are pushing an inflatable boat across a river, the horses just seem to be walking alongside.  When asked after the war why Germany lost, one high ranking general said,
"You had a million Dodge trucks, and we had two million horses."



I really like this photo of military men having a swim, but it came with no information.
I have a hunch, however, that the caps of the uniformed men were Austro-Hungarian WWI.


Ledo Road

Bernard Hoffman took this photo of an American officer
along the Ledo Road during the Burma Campaign of 1944.



This tilted and blurry group are World War I Frenchmen.



These men were among the 7,000 Canadians who volunteered for the Boer War, 1899-1902.



This is a repeat from 2019, and it is believed to be 
some sort of U.S. Army barracks initiation rite.