
Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Batman and Robin Go Gay

Over the years the guys who produced the Batman and Robin comic books managed to publish quite a few interesting double entendres.  I can't help but think at least a few of them were intentional.  Today we look at some, starting with Batman's teeth marks on a leather thong.


Figured it out

Looks like Robin has worked out one of the essential facts of life.


Bump and grind

So who's on the other end of the seesaw?


Morning at the Mansion

No comment.


Batman Does Boners

Apparently the Joker's boner did not impress . . . 

. . . so Batman and Robin went to the Library to study up on the topic so they could top it . . . 

. . . and it must have worked because they made thr front page of all the papers.


Must have been a good job

Gratitude is always necessary for a job well done.


Sometimes our best isn't good enough

Life is full of disappointments.
Sometimes our best isn't good enough.


Mystery Character

Does anyone know who this guy was?  Murdering felllow club members to stay 
in the closet seems extreme, and his gay parties certainly have Robin's interest.


Disco Outfits

Batman and Robin loved the outfits they chose for a trip to the Gay Gotham disco.



Our last Gay Batman panel is a segue into a future Gay Superman series.


Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Smiling Men from FKK Magazines

Today we look at smiling men from FKK publications, not all of whom were necessarily FKK members or even Germans.  We start with this photograph I know nothing about.


Joe Cool

Joe Cool here gives us a smile and some aviator sunglasses.
Hmmm . . . maybe I need to do a nudists in sunglasses series.



The person next to this FKK man must have said something amusing.
The year was 1956.



Although lacking sharpness, this 1932 picture of an FKK 
member at the beach captures that great smile well enough.


British Gentleman

FKK borrowed this photo of a broadly smiling British man who's just won a trophy.


1971 Beer Party

"Everything's better with beer" was the mantra for this 1971 group.


Tan Lines

The tan line on the guy at left tell us that he was either a neophyte or a guest.


Hot Tub

I'd smile if I were next to either of these two guys in a hot tub.



This 1968 man in a cowboy hat might have been borrowed from an American magazine by FKK.
On the other hand, some pretty authentic cowboy re-enactors were popping up in German then.



Our last happy men from FKK magazines are two fellows from 1982, 
one of whom doesn't let being in a wheel chair keep him down.  Nice!


Monday, June 24, 2024

George Dureau Day

It's time for another George Dureau series, and we start 
with Emmett Johnson who looks like be belongs on a throne.


George Wilson

Some guys can look amazingly sexy with their jeans on, 
and George Wilson is one of them.  The photo is from 1977.


Chico Rodriguez

This is Chico Rodriguez.



The painted body makes this photo of a model known only as "Battiste" even more striking.


Cowboy Bob Lang

George Dureau took some memorable photos of wrestler Cowboy Bob Lang.


Louis and Jeffrey

Dureau called this one "Louis and Jeffrey as Hercules and Antaeus."


Troy Brown

By my reckoning, George Dureau took more photos of Troy Brown 
than any other model.  It's easy to see why.


John L. Hawkins

This is John L. Hawkins from 1983.


Glen Thompson

The lighting and soft focus really work well in this picture of Glen Thompson.


Alphones Dotson

This photo of Alphonse Dotson is my favorite of the day.


Ralph Brown

It was 1976 when Ralph Brown posed for Mr. Dureau.


Anthony Dixon

Anthony Dixon closes out our George Dureau series with an "I know what you want" look.