
Saturday, September 28, 2024

Chubby Day, Part 1 - Naked Guys

It's chubby day on the blog, and it will be a two parter with an intermission.  
Part one is five naked men, starting with this gentleman from New Zealand.


On a cot

Here we have a chubby guy on a World War II Army surplus cot.  Every family I knew 
growing up had one of those god-awful things, and  nobody could sleep on one.


Blood Drive

This was the day they had a blood donation drive at a nudist gathering.  Many of my viewers may 
not be able to relate to this photo . . . other than perhaps being jealous of the females who 
get to rub the bear's tummy to calm him down.  I'm not so sure it's working, however.
It may be more like they're holding him down.  Oh, well, it's a good cause.


Sauna Pair

This pair in a sauna look like they're having a good time.



I freely admit to having converted this happy looking fellow's picture to black and white.  No matter how I fiddled with it on my software, I couldn't ged rid of some garish color overbleed.


Chubby Day, Intermission - Sumos

For an intermission, we will take a look at a few Sumo wrestlers.  This 1947 American newspaper clipping tells how postwar food shortages had caused the wrestlers to lose weight.


Grand Champion

Here we see Grand Champion (Yokozuna) Taniemon Hitachiyama from about 1905.


Chubby Day, Part 2 - Swimmers


Part Two of chubby day features men at swimming locations, mostly beaches.  This gentleman was a member of the Brighton Swim Club at an early 20th Century New Years Day swim.

Ankle deep

Hopefully there's some water nearby deep enough to swim in.


Really friendly

These two look like they sneaked off into the bushes for some privacy,
but got followed by a photographer.



OK, so the beach is fake, but I had to include this one.  If my notes are correct, this man was a circus fat man performer.  And yes, there was a time people went to the beach in Cleveland.  In fact, some still do.  Google says that it is safe most of the time, but always check with the Health Department.


Big Six

I don't know who Big Six was but his little men friends are quite good looking.



These two seem quite friendly.


Family Guy

This looks like a family snapshot.



I cropped our final chub of the day from a photo of a group of World War II U.S. Army 
men at an unknown beach.  Something tells me he was "Sarge."


Friday, September 27, 2024

Allyn Cox, Part 1 - Drawings

American muralist Allyn Cox left us dozens of male nude drawings, but only a few of the murals and paintings he produced showed unclothed men.  A casual observer might think the nude drawings were academic pieces, but the great majority were studies for his famous murals.  He would draw the men nude on paper and then add clothes when he painted the murals.  I don't know which of his finished works the drawing above relates to, but I like it..


Derriere I

This rear view of a lanky model was a study for The Resurrection.


Andrew Jackson

Allyn Cox did a ceiling mural on the East Central Portico of the U.S. Capitol showing the inauguration of Andrew Jackson.  As was his usual practice, he made a nude drawing of his subject before painting the actual piece.  I wonder what Old Hickory would have thought of this drawing.


Derriere II

Oursecond derriere drawing is quite well formed.


Holding a book

I think the model in our last drawing is holding a book . . . or something.


Allyn Cox, Part 2 - Color Works

As promised, part two of our Allyn Cox series features works in color.  An online resale site dated this pastel drawing as 1950s, and it recently sold for $2200.  That seems low, but I'm no expert.


Diana and Actaeon

This is a detail from the Allyn Cox mural Diana and Actaeon, 
a three panel work at the Dumbarton Oaks Estate in Washington, D.C.



This reclining male nude was dated at 1960.


Sylvan Deity

I wish I had a date for this Allyn Cox oil on canvas painting called Sylvan Deity.
For some reason it makes me think of Maxfield Parrish.


Contemplation 1934

I'm ending the Allyn Cox two-parter with my favorite of the day, Contemplation from 1934.
The color, the pose, and the model are all simply beautiful.


Thursday, September 26, 2024

Denny Denfield Day

I try to get a full series on for all my favorite classic era physique photographers at least quarterly.  Today it's Denny Denfield's turn starting with Tom Mathews with a disc in the desert.


Andy Kozak

I never get tired of looking at Andy Kozak, even when he's only semi-nude.


Johnnie Holden

A sadistic junior high gym teacher made us run laps around the basketball court in a position 
similar to that of Johnnie Holden in this picture.  He called it the crab walk.  
Mr. Holden looks better than any of us ever dreamed of looking.


Mike Dubel

I only have two color photos of Mike Dubel, both by Denny Denfield.


John Winship

Although some collectors list this photo of John Winship as unattributed,I have recently 
come across some believable documentation that it is by Denny Denfield.



Jenewein was the only name listed for this handsome model.


Gene Meyer

The back muscles stand out in this Denny Denfield photo of Eugene Meyer.  At first glance, 
I didn't think this looked like Mr. Meyer, but I double checked and the source is impeccable.


Harold Martin

I like the way Harold Marin's upper body is silhouetted against the desert sky.


Jack Le Van

This picture of Jack Le Van by a mountain stream is quite crisply photographed.



The last Denny Denfield photo shows the model known only as Harpo on a memorable photo 
shoot in Giant Sequoia country.  I posted a color shot from it in the previous Denfield series.