
Friday, December 27, 2024

Bulging Swimmers Day, Part 1 - Men in Trunks

Today we have a two parter on the theme of bulging swim suits,
starting with this guy beside his boat on a beach.



What do the guys here with the biggest smiles have in common?


Family Album

Somebody even commented on this one in the family album.



Inches?  OK, I get it now.



This is an amateur snapshot, but the photographer seems to have
had emphasizing a particular element in mind.


Bulging Swimmers Day, Part 2 - Onesies

For Part Two, we have some men in onesie suits.
Our first swimmer seems quite confident.



Here we have a handsome and friendly trio.


No imagination

Very little imagination is required for this one.


Sweden 1946

These guys are Swedes from 1946.



Our last onesie swimmer is a wiry guy who's packing.


Thursday, December 26, 2024

Boxing Day

I know that Boxing Day has nothing to do with the sport of boxing, but I'm doing this schtick anyway, starting with two guys who are nove very convincing, but may appeal to some of you.


Weigh-in I

This weigh-in photo obviously made the LIFE Archive,
but I can't find any info on it.


No lace-up

This one didn't bother to lace up his gloves.



I borrowed this from James over at Men From Back Then, and for some reason 
I added a note that said "possible amateur."  Thanks, James!


Chuck and Roland

I think AMG did this photo of Chuck Johnson and Roland Peeler.


Weigh-in II

We get just the least little peek at a pecker in this weigh-in photo.


Coming right at us

This guy is intense and coming right at us.


Willie Meehan

The bruiser at center is Willie Meehan, aka Fat Boy, a boxer who got his start in the U.S. Navy and went on to a successful professional career.  He poses with some shipmates here in 1918.


Tumblr Item

This one is left over from the Sack of Tumblr,
so I don't actually know a thing about it.


My favorite boxer

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Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Christmas 2024

It's time for our annual Christmas party, and we start with a guy wrapped in tinsel garland.



They say you should always shine your light.


Blackie and friend

That's Blackie Preston at left, but I don't know who his friend is.
I'm pretty certain that AMG produced this.


Ho ho homo

Ho, ho, homo for the Holidays.


Beer buddies

Sharing a little Christmas beer cheer.


No, it's not a gag

No, this is not a made up gag.  It's a actual ad and gay as hell.


Tommy's Christmas Surprise

Here's a scene from that AMG Christmas Classic, Tommy's Christmas Surprise.


Mad Men?

This makes me think of the TV show Mad Men.


How to do it.

And that, my friends, is how you decorate a tree.



I really like this 1980-ish snapshot.


Okaaaaay . . .


Christmas Sailors

This is the only photo I had left over from last year's spread on AMG's "Christmas Sailors."
That's Charlie Day, aka Bob Wilson, at right.


A bit of fluff

This is what came up when I did one of those AI things for "vintage gay Christmas."
I have to say I'm quite taken with this bit of faux vintage fluff.


Merry Christmas!

Wishing all of you the very best of the Holiday Season!