
Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Jerry Goes to the Getty I

I stopped off for two days in Los Angeles last month while on a trip to the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia.  I used the time to visit the Getty Museum, and today will be the first of three series I do on the male art there.  We start with Mercury by Johan Gregor van der Schart from 1575.


Bearded Man

Jacopo Bassano painted this portrait of an unknown beard man about 1550.


Dionysos Triumph

This is a fragement of a Roman piece excavated in 1720.  Read more below:



Even the furniture gallery at the Getty had some fine looking males.
This cabinet was made by Andrew-Charles Boulle around 1667.


Francisco de los Cobos y Molina

I find this one to be quite handsome.  Read about it below:


Wilton's Belvedere

This is Joseph Wilton's 18th C. version of Apollo Belvedere.


Albert D'Anvers

This is Renoire's portrait of French composer Albert D'Anvers.


Laocoon and His Sons

 Here we see Laocoon and his sons from 1720 by Giovanni Battisti Foggini.
It's a table top statuette with incredible detail.

Sudanese Man

This is Sudanese Man by French sculptor Charles Cordier from 1856.
You really have to be there in person to appreciate the fine details
in everything from the skin tone to the folds of his clothing.
Several types of stone were used to incredible effect.


Angel of the Citadel

Just about anything you can think of is extended in Angel of the Citadel,
a 1949 sculpture by Marino Manini.  Yeah, I saved the strangest for last.


Happy New Year!

Wishing each and every one of you the very best in 2025!


Tuesday, December 31, 2024

New Year

Time for the annual New Years Eve edition of the blog, so away we go.


San Francisco

I think this one is from San Francisco in the 70s.


Happy Partiers

It's easy to tell that these guys are having a good time.


New Years Eve, the Movie - 1929

This is a scene from the 1929 movie New Years Eve
where the party turned into a murder mystery.


Strip poker?

This was in a group of party photos, but it looks like a game 
of strip poker where everybody lost . . . intentionally.



It's 1900 here, and note the empty liquor bottles on the floor.


A pitcher too far

This is what happens when things go a bit too far.



The Tonight Show, 1962.


Wild crowd

Quite the party going on here.



This is Philip, and he appeared in the January 1971 issue of Vector magazine.


Well Dressed Couple

Closing out the New Years Eve set with a very well dressed couple.


Monday, December 30, 2024

Ken Haak Day II, Part One - Private Collection

For my second series on the work of Ken Haak, I decided to do a two parter featuring work from two coffee table books he published in the mid-1980s.  We start with a shot from Private Collection.


Mitchell style

When I first saw this picture, I immediatel thought of Jack Mitchell's 
work with dancers, but this is without doubt by Ken Haak.


Looking at us

The model here is looking right at us, and we're looking right back at him.
The light/dark contrast of the two sides of the photo is amazing.


Beautiful backside

The muscles, pose, tan lines, and lighting all work together to produce an exceptional photo.
And of course, Mr. Haak started it all by choosing a gorgeous model.



The last photo from Private Collection shows a blond model with interesting lighting.


Ken Haak Day II, Part Two - Summer Souvenirs

Part two of my second Ken Haak series is from a coffee table book called Summer Souvenirs.
We start with an interesting shot that must have taken an effort to set up.



This two page item from the book is an example of "less is more."


Open book

Here we have an open page from Summer Souvenirs.
Looks like ice cream and candy.


Tan lines

The tan lines here are sumptuous.



Our last image from Summer Souvenirs is a guy in a jockstrap on a deck.