
Friday, January 3, 2025

Dave Martin Day

It's time for our quarterly all Dave Martin series, and we start with Mark Peterson and a sword.
My folks had that exact same end table in 1965.  They must have solds a lot of them.


Ford Reynolds

We get a straight ahead stare from Ford Reynolds.


Dick Jacobs

Dick Jacobs was an athlete at Arizona State when Dave Martin took this photo in 1953.



This handsome, smiling man is the only unknown model in today's Dave Martin set.


Rick Sylvester

This is Rick Sylvester and his shadow.
He looks like he knows what we want.


Robert Baker

Robert Baker looks proud and confident.


Charlie Wall

Dave Martin put Charlie Wall on a bar stool for this one,
and for some reason I can't take my eyes off his sharp haircut.


Greg Bradford

I posted this photo of Greg Bradford several years ago with Dave Martin's note superimposed on it.  This time, I'm going with the clean version so we can see his entire body.



Mr. Martin had Bud Counts lean against a large rock for this color shot.


Doyle Brewer

We get a classic flex pose from Doyle Brewer beside a pond.



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Bill Brannon

Ending the Dave Martin series with Bill Brannon in a beautifully simple pose.


Thursday, January 2, 2025

All Color Nudist Beach Day

Nudist publications not only pushed the boudaries for male frontal nudity in the 1960s, but they also pioneered the extensive use of color photography.  Today we look at ten examples of nudist males at the beach in color, starting with a man with a very cute little dachshund.

Sea shells

This guy is looking over a seashell collection.





Maybe this was made at a beach house, because I see a roof overhang at left.
Now that I look closer, that's not the only thing hanging over.



This handsome guy brought a long his umbrella for some shade.



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Skipping rope on a beach is a great way to stay in shape.



This blond fellow appears in several 1960s nudist publications.



Our last seaside nudist is a guy practicing paddling his inflatable while standing up.


Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Jerry Goes to the Getty I

I stopped off for two days in Los Angeles last month while on a trip to the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia.  I used the time to visit the Getty Museum, and today will be the first of three series I do on the male art there.  We start with Mercury by Johan Gregor van der Schart from 1575.


Bearded Man

Jacopo Bassano painted this portrait of an unknown beard man about 1550.


Dionysos Triumph

This is a fragement of a Roman piece excavated in 1720.  Read more below:



Even the furniture gallery at the Getty had some fine looking males.
This cabinet was made by Andrew-Charles Boulle around 1667.


Francisco de los Cobos y Molina

I find this one to be quite handsome.  Read about it below:


Wilton's Belvedere

This is Joseph Wilton's 18th C. version of Apollo Belvedere.


Albert D'Anvers

This is Renoire's portrait of French composer Albert D'Anvers.


Laocoon and His Sons

 Here we see Laocoon and his sons from 1720 by Giovanni Battisti Foggini.
It's a table top statuette with incredible detail.

Sudanese Man

This is Sudanese Man by French sculptor Charles Cordier from 1856.
You really have to be there in person to appreciate the fine details
in everything from the skin tone to the folds of his clothing.
Several types of stone were used to incredible effect.


Angel of the Citadel

Just about anything you can think of is extended in Angel of the Citadel,
a 1949 sculpture by Marino Manini.  Yeah, I saved the strangest for last.


Happy New Year!

Wishing each and every one of you the very best in 2025!