
Saturday, December 28, 2024

Hairy Derriere Day II

The last time I posted a set of all hairy asses, several of you went over the moon, so here we go again.  We start with the always popular Brian Idol on what appears to be the AMG roof.


Jess Williams

Despite the damage, I really like this photo that I found labeled only as Jess Williams.



This model is identified only as Roberto, and he appeared i
n one of those early 70s magazines called Young Studs.


Cambria Material

Frequent commentator and contributor Cambria posted this on an online board
and identified the AMG model at right as Earl Lawrence.  Thanks, as always!


Ralph Pfundstein

The AMG model here is Ralph Pfundstein, and he seems happy to pose bent over a log.
The hamajang set is classic AMG/Mizer.



My notes only say that I stole this one from James over at Men From Back Then ,
but I'm pretty sure it's an AMG photo.  Any model ID's would be appreciated, as always.


Tom Wayne

Bruce of LA's shower isn't nearly as famous as Bob Mizer's,
but this photo of Tom Wayne just outside it is sublime.


Ken Cunningham

Here we have Ken Cunningham in the infamous AMG shower.  If the Mizer compound 
were in West Hollywood, it would have been awarded a historic marker by now.



All I know about this one is that it appeared on page seven of Rugged magazine.


Richard Harrison

Closing out the hairy derriere series with an AMG shot of Richard Harrison and a motorcycle.


Friday, December 27, 2024

Bulging Swimmers Day, Part 1 - Men in Trunks

Today we have a two parter on the theme of bulging swim suits,
starting with this guy beside his boat on a beach.



What do the guys here with the biggest smiles have in common?


Family Album

Somebody even commented on this one in the family album.



Inches?  OK, I get it now.



This is an amateur snapshot, but the photographer seems to have
had emphasizing a particular element in mind.


Bulging Swimmers Day, Part 2 - Onesies

For Part Two, we have some men in onesie suits.
Our first swimmer seems quite confident.



Here we have a handsome and friendly trio.


No imagination

Very little imagination is required for this one.


Sweden 1946

These guys are Swedes from 1946.



Our last onesie swimmer is a wiry guy who's packing.


Thursday, December 26, 2024

Boxing Day

I know that Boxing Day has nothing to do with the sport of boxing, but I'm doing this schtick anyway, starting with two guys who are nove very convincing, but may appeal to some of you.


Weigh-in I

This weigh-in photo obviously made the LIFE Archive,
but I can't find any info on it.


No lace-up

This one didn't bother to lace up his gloves.



I borrowed this from James over at Men From Back Then, and for some reason 
I added a note that said "possible amateur."  Thanks, James!


Chuck and Roland

I think AMG did this photo of Chuck Johnson and Roland Peeler.


Weigh-in II

We get just the least little peek at a pecker in this weigh-in photo.


Coming right at us

This guy is intense and coming right at us.


Willie Meehan

The bruiser at center is Willie Meehan, aka Fat Boy, a boxer who got his start in the U.S. Navy and went on to a successful professional career.  He poses with some shipmates here in 1918.


Tumblr Item

This one is left over from the Sack of Tumblr,
so I don't actually know a thing about it.


My favorite boxer

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