
Friday, January 31, 2025

Bush Day

Today I'm posting images ranging from 19th Century academic art to 1980s photos.  
What do they have in common?  Bush, that's what.  We start with a work by Albert Dawant 
that won the second place medal when it was done about 1870.


Ringer I

While putting together today's series, I did some searches and found two "ringers" or falsely labeled photos.  This first one was pretty obvious as it was labeled as Samson by Giovanni Langetti from 1660.  The date was obviously wrong, and so was the rest.  It is apparently a mid-19th C. academic painting by an unknown artist.  The other ringer will be along later.


Early 20th C.

I have no info on this photo, but it looks early 20th Century.



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FKK '52

This is an FKK man from 1952.


Nudist Pair

These guys appeared in a mid-1960s nudist magazine.



The bush (and something else) is prodigious in this photo
 I found on a German website labeled "unbekannt" or unknown.


Ringer II

The second false lead of the day is this photo that I found on a site advertising beach towels with naked men on them.  It said the model was a 1970s "hippie naturist," but he's actually a currently working model named Dany Douk.  I'd say Mr. Douk has a promising career.


Rory McLeod

Don Whitman of Western Photography Guild took this photo of Rory McLeod.


Al Cavoto

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Very white guy

Our last bush centered photo is an unknown with no tan whatsoever.


Thursday, January 30, 2025

Swimmers Day

I found today's photos in a stray folder in the swimming section of my collection.  Not one of them had any provenance info, but we can guess in many cases.  Thes men appear to be World War I soldiers, and I have a hunch they were Germans.  The only uniform in sight might be a clue.


Swimming Hole I

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Mixed message

While most of these fellows are washing themselves and the car,
a pair of men at right seem to have gone out for a swim.


Leading the charge

Exhuberance is the key concept in this photo of men charging out of the water 
toward the camera man.  "And a grand time was had by all."


Sore thumb

This is what I call the "sore thumb" photo of the set.  While it meets the thematic element of the series, it is radically different from the rest of the pictures.  At 1968 it's more recent than the rest, and it's in color.  The men seem to be lolling in the shallow water and showing off their assets.


After the swim

 This group appears to have just finished a swim.  One guy is toweling off 
while another seems to be applying lotion to a friend's back.

Happy splashers

I get a feeling that these men were quite happy to be splashing their way to a swim.


Swimming Hole II

This photo of four guys at a rural swimming hole has two fellows
 with differing modesty measures and two who just don't care.


Heading out

A group of men is heading out on a swim to that boat off shore.
I get a military vibe from this one.



I have no documentation, but I get the feeling these men were WWII era Finns.


Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Der Act, Part 1 - "New" items

In 1894 Max Koch and Otto Rieth photographed and published a large format portfolio photo book called Der Act, a German term for nude works sometimes spelled Der Akt.  This will be a three parter, starting with some recent finds.  The above model appears several time today.


Ledge and disc

Although I can't figure out the significance of the decorated disc,
I like the pose and overall setting of the photo.



We get three views of the solo model in this mirror shot.


Heid model?

This model resembles one who worked for Herman Heid around the same time Der Act was made.  It would not be unheard of for a good model to work for two or more photographers.


Mirrors again

This is another example of the use of mirrors in Der Act.
In addition to the technique, I find the pose very attractive.



The model in this one looks Italian, rather than German.


Der Act, Part 2 - Repeats

Part two consists of some repeats from the early days of this blog.  I've always loved
the way the models and the mirrors work to make a fine image in this photo.



When I posted this one almost five years ago, I was impressed with the clarity and the way the two models are arranged in the two images.  What I still don't know is if these were published side by side or separately in the original edition of Der Act.  Trust me, I've looked and looked.


Two versions, one "new"

I'm including the image above in the repeat section for two reasons.  First, I think it's quite good, and second, Koch and Rieth did a similar clothed version which I recently found and is below.


Der Act, Part 3 - Recently Categorized

The last section of our Der Act three part set features some photos
 that I've had a long time, but didn't realize until recently 
were part of Der Act.  I may have posted a couple of these. 
This one shows some Teutonic angst.




I don't think I've posted this one, but it's been in my collection for several years.
I only recently found out that it's from Der Act.


Topsy Turvy II

Maybe Koch and Rieth were trying to depict a fall
 by posing the model on a upended chaise lounge.