Physique Week
A few years ago, I cut back on the amount of physique photography I was posting. This was mainly because I was sometimes using material from the avalanche of frontal nudes that hit after liberalization in the late 1960s as filler when I couldn't come up with something more interesting to post. (Some people don't even consider those images as physique photography, even though a lot of them were done by famous physique photographers.) Recently there has been a general decrease in blog posts of classic era physique images. James IV at Men From Back then hasn't posted regularly in months. Bob's Naked Guys does not post daily, and when he does, it is often non-physique. Cambria and other viewers have actually sent me messages lamenting this.
I have recently increased postings of material from what I consider the classic era, 1935-1965, and moving forward, I will try to get them on at least twice a week. Today I am kicking off a full week of physique photography with a focus on the models and types as opposed to particular photographers. Whenever possible, I will be posting photos that I have not used before. So please sit back and enjoy Physique Week.