
Monday, March 31, 2025

Physique Week, Day 2 - Men of Color, Part 1 - Latinos

The classis physique photo was not the best time to be nonwhite in the USA, 
but there were photographers who were ahead of their time.  Also, things 
blessedly began to change in the mid-1960s.  Today we will have a two 
part series on Men of Color, with part one featuring Latino models. 
 We start the show with Juan Montana by Pat Milo.


Don Reyes

Some of Delia Mizer's glassware was used in this AMG photo of Don Reyes.


Bill Cerdas

Bill Cerdas posed several times for Lon of New York.


Andrew Salvador

This is Andrew Salvador by Spartan Studio.


George Romero

Russ Warner took this photo of George Romero.


Part 2 - Black Men

For part two of Men of Color Day, we have some fine African-American models.
Lon of New York took this photo of George Paine.


Herny Jones

The picnic table might give some of you ideas when you see this Bruce of LA photo of Henry Jones.


Fred Demus

The posing strap only detracts a little from the fine looking Fred Demus by Bruce.


Ronnie Moore

This is Ronnie Moore by Don Whitman of Western Photography Guild.


Jerry Tucker

The last African-American model in the series is Jerry Tucker photographed by Dave Martin.  Tomorrow it's hairy physique models.


Sunday, March 30, 2025

About Physique Week

Physique Week

A few years ago, I cut back on the amount of physique photography I was posting.  This was mainly because I was sometimes using material from the avalanche of frontal nudes that hit after liberalization in the late 1960s as filler when I couldn't come up with something more interesting to post.  (Some people don't even consider those images as physique photography, even though a lot of them were done by famous physique photographers.)  Recently there has been a general decrease in blog posts of classic era physique images.  James IV at Men From Back then hasn't posted regularly in months.  Bob's Naked Guys does not post daily, and when he does, it is often non-physique.  Cambria and other viewers have actually sent me messages lamenting this.

I have recently increased postings of material from what I consider the classic era, 1935-1965, and moving forward, I will try to get them on at least twice a week.  Today I am kicking off a full week of physique photography with a focus on the models and types as opposed to particular photographers.  Whenever possible, I will be posting photos that I have not used before.  So please sit back and enjoy Physique Week.

Physique Week Day 1 - Favorite Models I

This is Physique Week, and day one features photos of ten of my favorite models that I haven't posted in the past.  We start with Tom De Carlo in a photo for which I have no photographer listed.


Don Deckman

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Dick Dene

Dick Dene was one of the more convincing models to portray cowboys,
as can easily be seen in this photo by Bruce of LA.


Bill Derrick

Dave Martin took this photo of Bill Derrick, an amazing model who never did a frontal nude.


Don Fuller

I couldn't overlook Don Fuller when I started this project, so I included this charming unattributed photo.


Ed Fury

I don't know who took this autographed photo of Ed Fury.


Keith Stephan

Although sometimes listed as unattributed, the corrugated metal backdrop in this picture of Keith Stephan links it to Bruce of LA.  This session with Mr. Stephan must have been amazing because I have at least a dozen photos from it, and that doesn't include any culls, assuming there were any.


Jack Thomas and Jack Lalanne

This photo of Jack Thomas (left) and Jack Lalanne is part of a legendary photo shoot, the product of which Russ Warner refused to hand over or destroy when Jack Lalanne's TV career took off.
It is the onlh shot from that session that I have not previously posted.


Norman Tousley

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John Winship

Our last favorite model is John Winship, and I chose this AMG posing strap photo 
because I've long since posted all the full frontals I have of him.  


Saturday, March 29, 2025

Myselfixion Day

The platform (xstumbl) for one of my favorite blogs, myselfixion, has been "under maintenance" for over two weeks now.  I hope it comes back on line soon, because if it doesn't, it will be the third time this excellent and eclectic blog will have had the digital rug pulled out from under it, the previous two being the notorious tumblr and the lesser known newtumbl.  Here's hoping for a quick return, and if any of you have information on myselfixion's plans, please let me know.  Meanwhile, I am post eleven photos today that I stole off the various iterations.  We start with four swimmers and a dog.


Grand Forks

This handsome man was in a brass band in Grand Forks, North Dakota.


Washing up

These soldiers appear to be washing up.
The water doesn't seem deep enough for swimming.



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How old?

The complete lack of tattoos makes me think this one has a chance to be vintage.



The writing says, "Proud? Of what! N. Bass 9/18/15"


Swim party

I don't know why we have a fully clothed man at left, 
but as I've said before, "There's always that one guy."


Topsy Turvy

This topsy turvy item is from the New Tumblr days.


Ordinary, average guys

This is another myselfixion G-rated photo that I like a lot.
There's something to be said for ordinary average guys having a good time.


Wyngate and Bevins?

This one makes me think of Wyngate and Bevins, but I have nothing but a hunch to back that up.


Portable Shower

My last photo stolen from myselfixion is a portable shower unit, probably WWII German.
Here's hoping that comes back on line soon, but if anyone becomes aware of this site moving to yet anothger platform, please let me know so I can spread the word.