
Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Muybridge Single Frames

Today we will look at some single frames from Eadweard Muybridge's motion studies.
Let's start with a young man descending a short run of steps.



I really like this frame of a young man lifting a dumbbell.


Going around

This model is swinging his arms in a circle, and they aren't the only part swinging.
I need to make a GIF of the whole sequence, but I'm too cheap to buy the software.


Penn baseball

This model was one of the U. of Pennsylvania student athletes who modeled for Muybridge.


Lateral sclerosis

Muybridge completed several motion sequences using disabled individuals as models.  This was 
done in the interest of science and progress, and the model here had lateral sclerosis.  
Muybridge received letters from doctors and researches thanking him for these, btw.  
When I posted some similar images in the past, I was gratified to receive comments 
and notes from disabled individuals thanking me.  As one put it, "Yes we are disabled, 
but we can also proudly be naked."  And beautiful, I might add.



This fellow is one of several Muybridge models described as farmers.
Gotta love that straw hat.



Although you might understandably wonder what a man lounging on the floor is doing in a portfolio 
of almost exclusively motions studies, there's a reason.  This is an early frame from a sequence 
that Muybridge called "Man arising from the ground and walking off."


Ben Bailey

Here's another view of one of my favorite Muybridge models.
He has been identified by some as Ben Bailey.



Although we can't see it from this angle, the model 
is pounding the ground with a large mallet.



This simple imageof a man going up an incline has appeal.



Ending the set with a photo believed by some to be Eadweard Muybridge himself.


Monday, March 24, 2025

Arax Day

It's been a long time since I did a whole day on the great work
 of Gregor Arax of Paris.  We start with Gerard Olivier and a sword.


Roger Chaverouc

Quite a nice derriere on Roger Chaverouc.


Marcel Guillou

Gregor Arax put Marcel in a dramatic pose in 1950.
The lighting ain't bad, either.


Andre Drapp

This is Andre Drapp, Mr. France of 1947.  He let his chest hair grow out
and had a very successful career in pro wrestling.


Helmut Riedmeyer

Here we have international bodybuilding celebrity and model Helmut Riedmeyer.


Charles Kassapian

I've said this before, but it's worth repeating.  Based on the sheer number of photos he took of him, Charles Kassapian must have been one of Arax's favorite models.  Not  hard to see why
if you put his name is the search box and see what I've posted of him.


Jean Millet

It was 1954 when this photo of Jean Millet was taken.


Rene Percigou

Gregor Arax didn't publish all that many outdoor photos, but when he did, they were good.
Easy to see why Rene Percigou won all those titles.


James Marcel

Many of you will appreciate the nice smile Gregor Arax elicited frrom James Marcel.


Jean Merlier

The last image of the Arax series is a very nicely lighted Jean Merlier from 1946.


Sunday, March 23, 2025

Navy Day

It's Navy Day, and we start with some sailors getting hosed off on deck.


Shore Party

This photo is from a group taken of a group of sailors 
at a Pacific island beach party during World War II.


Hide the Soap

I'm sure some creative sailor found a special place to hide the soap.


Candid Camera

I wonder where this sailor's friends took their snapshot to get it developed.


Shore Leave

These four sailors on shore leave saved money by sharing a hotel room.
They shoved the beds together so they could all fit nice and comfy.


Baths on Board

This German warship had showers installed under a decktop catwalk.



Something tells me they called this guy "Crusty."



These German submariners are washing up on deck.


Very friendly

This looks like a very friendly group of sailors.  Look closely.


Blurry Crowd

Here's another group hosing off on deck.  It's a blurry crowd.


Crusty Pair

Maybe these two were friends of the crusty fellow from earlier today.


Hmmm . . .

Is this the Navy base hotdog stand?
I'd gladly stand in line behind him.



I think these are Soviet Sailors from the 1970s.


Tan lines

We can see the undershirt tan lines on this sailor.
The ship in the background may be in drydock.