
Sunday, March 16, 2025

Poolside Nudists

Just about every nudist resort had a swimming pool, and today's men are all beside one.
We start with a guy who's ignoring the fawning female next to him.


Big smile

We get a big smile from this fellow.



The ball has some sort of odd harness on it.



This guy seems to be earnestly listening to someone.


Reaching out

This guy seems to be reaching for something at left.



I think this guy was chatting up a female off camera right.



The grainy picture doesn't detract from this well built and proportioned male.


Slicked back

This guys has sideburns and slicked back hair.


Desert Hillside

The desert hillside backdrop takes precedence over the pool, but not the man.



The last poolside nudist of the day is one for those of you who like the nerdy type.


Saturday, March 15, 2025

Men in Gym Shorts

Some guys get excited by men in gym shorts, and apparently some get excited by wearing them as shown by the model above.  Today we look at a dozen photos of classic gym wear.
If there is interest, I have enough of these for another series.



These are Australian paratroopers in training during World War II.


Open field

This is what you call running an open field . . . very, very open.


Shot put

This man putting the shot shows the advantage of strength over sheer bulk.



I think this may be a post World War II military group.



I think this athlete had "DAVIS" stenciled on his shorts.


Weight room

I have no info on this one, but it looks like a college weight training room.


Basketball Team

This basketball team looks Italian to me.
Third from left is playing barefoot.


Frederick College

I really like this guy cropped from an otherwise lackluster group at Frederick College.


One stands out

The guy at center may not be wearing regulation gym shorts, and that's OK as a certain
 outstanding feature comes to the fore.  Oh, and we've got a little hug going on at right.


Beating Dad Bod

This one goes to show that fighting off dad bod has been around quite a while.


1938 Redskins

Closing the set with some of the 1938 Washington Redskins


Friday, March 14, 2025

Name That Model Day

Yes, friends, it's time for everyone's favorite parlor game, Name That Model.  I'm posting an even dozen classic era physique photos for which I have name for neither model nor photographer.  
So please hit the comments button and get your guesses on the board.



I love the pleasant and matter of fact expression on this fellow's face.



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There's a catalog number, W-6, for this one.


Fishnet and tan lines

We got a lot of fish net here and some fine tan lines.



Ever since this popped onto my screen I can't get Credence 
Clearwater Revival's "Sweet Hitchhiker" our of my head.



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This unknown has swallows tattooed on both hands.


Overhead sword

This model looks serious, and after all, he is holding a deadly weapon.


All over

I've seen this photo all over the internet, but no one 
seems to have a name for the model or photographer.


Unfortunate cropping

I find the cropping here to be unfortunate, particularly given the quality of the model.


Another familiar

Our final unnamed model looks familiar, and the style reminds me of Douglas of Detroit.
The lighting, however, does not follow Mr. Juliff's usual methods.