
Monday, January 13, 2025

Hairy Wrestlers Day

It's time for another look at some pro wrestlers from the 50s, 60s, and 70s.
We start with Bruno Sammartino in a dingy hotel room.
Photo is by Lee Friedlander from 1960.


Don Kernodle

I really like this photo of Don Kernodle.


Jerry Lawler

This is Jerry Lawler early in his career.  He ditched the body 
and facial hair later on, but I like this version far more.


Dee Exx Contribution

Dee Exx sent me this intriguing photo of what looks like an unidentified father/son team.
If you Google the concept, several family sets turn up.
Thanks, Dee!


Pretty Boy Fulton

I could only find one photo of Pretty Boy Fulton.


Dan Plechas and Mike Dibiase

Dan Bulldog Plechas and Mike Dibiase were tag team partners 
when this 1958 photo was made in Amarillo.


Larry Henning

This handsome fellow is Larry "The Axe" Henning.


Dennis Condrey

Dennis Condrey used the nickname "Loverboy."


Pampero Firpo

Italian import Pampero Firpo specialized in wild man schtick.


Thor Hager

Our last hairy wrester is Thor Hager from 1961.


Sunday, January 12, 2025

FKK Through the Decades II

Today I'm posting another series of FKK photos through the decades in chronological order.
We start with a boatman photographed by Georg Gruebl in 1912.



Here we have a middle aged FKK man relaxing in the grass in 1928.



FKK photos from the 1930s tend to all be in the very early years of the decade.  The Nazis curtailed FKK organizations not because the Nazis hated nudity, but because they didn't want any large, popular organizations that were not in their complete control.  This statuesque guy is from 1930.



As I've mentioned previously, FKK photos from the 1940s are rare.
Between the Second World War and its aftermath, very few had the time.
This guy from 1949 seems to be play fighting.



I can't tell what this guy from 1953 is doing.  Flying a kite?



Something was going wag-wag during a beach run in 1957.



This fellow from 1962 looks like he's at the entrance of a cave.



There's a shadow there for you know who in this 1967 FKK photo.



Our entry from 1970 is a Dutch man with a peekaboo view.



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Saturday, January 11, 2025

Art Oddities

Today's theme is some of the oddities that have turned up in my male nude art collection.  We start with a fresco from Pompeii that is unusual because it was found in a room with black walls.  The figures are Apollo and Cassandra, and of course the artist is unknown.


This is byThĂ©odore ChassĂ©riau, a Study after the Model Joseph, 1838. Oil on canvas. MusĂ©e Ingres Bourdelle,  Apparently Mr. Chasseriau was trying out several versions of the hands in the study.  And then there's the fact that the model seems to be taking a leap off a rock.


Frank Duvenek

When I first saw this 1875 portrait of an unknown man by Frank Duvenek
I thought I stumbled on a picture of a modern day middle aged hipster.


Hans Thoma

This is Loneliness from 1896 by Hans Thoma.  I love the way the subject
 becomes a literal extension of the rock he's sitting upon.


Herman Kastner

It took some digging, but I finally found out that this 1925 work from the University of Heidelberg collection is by Herman Kastner.  The odd thing here is how it somehow manages to be incredibly sexy without actually showing anything.


John Haley

The Cubist influence is obvious in this 1923 drawing by American John Haley.


Blair Hughes-Stanton

This is The Mighty Angel by English artist Blair Hughes-Stanton from 1931.
You really need to check out the details on this one, guys.


Patrick Hennessey

This is Bound Figure by Irish artist Patrick Hennessey from 1938.
It looks as though the subject's head has been rubbed out of the picture.


Jared French

When I look at Homesickness by Jared French from 1942,
the beautiful male form and the tan lines stand out.


Philip Osborne

This 1973 piece from the Leslie-Lohman Museum is Philip Osborne's "Leslie looking into the mirror with Brendan watching."  The cat was no doubt offended by his lack of billing.


Boris Talberg

Soviet painter Boris Talberg did Tet-a-Tet in 1977.  I love the juxtaposition of the two men, 
one fully clothed and one completely nude.  And that radio is special.


Francis West

This untitled 1979 work by Francis West should have been called "Revenge of the Goldfish."