
Friday, March 28, 2025

Random Nudists

Today I'm posting ten photos with nothing in common except they are all nudists.
We start with a very hairy man.



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Here's anothe blond, and this one's hair looks wind blown.



Here we have a blond cyclist, but I'm sure most of you are not looking at the bike.


Seen before

You may have seen this fellow before because he posed 
for more than one nudist resort photo shoot.



We only have one derriere view today, but at least it's a fine one.



This young man at a water fountain is wearing tags
that signify something in nudist camp activities.
His name, Ken, is on his shoulder.


Dune Buggy

Here we have a middle aged man perched on a dune buggy parked on an incline.



I think our final nudist is standing in shallow water next to a small boat.


Thursday, March 27, 2025

Men's Magazines from the post-war era

Weasels Ripped My Flesh!

I watched myself being eaten alive.  

Flophouses, Floozies, and Forgetfulness.  

Men's Magazines in the 1950s

In the postwar era in the USA, a dozen or more "men's" magazines proliferated through the country.  They featured lots of sex and violence, usually in the form of lurid "true" stories.  They also featured lots and lots of half naked hypermasculine men on their covers in a variety of settings.  I'm sure that more than a few gays enjoyed them along with all the hetero guys looking for tips on how to pick up floozies and jilt no longer wanted fiances.  So get ready for a big dose of testosterone as I give you a tour of the genre today. Oh, and we'll get to those weasels at the end of the set.


Seafood Buffet

You've heard of all you can eat seafood, but this cover is more like "seafood that can eat you all."
And speaking of getting eaten, someone wrote a story about watching Munoz get eaten.


Quicksand or honey?

Our cover man is supposed to be trapped in quicksand, but it looks to me like he's being 
dipped in honey.  Meanwhile, someone is going to tell  us why they went nudist, and we 
will be educated about flophouses, floozies, and forgetfulness.  Given what typically 
happens with flophouses and floozies, the forgetfulness was probably the best part.


American Manhood

So American Manhood went heavy on the phallic symbolism and gave their readers a half naked GI shooting off a large bazooka.  Okaaay.  At least they told the truth about venereal disease.



Stag's cover cowboy looks like he looked into the saloon and saw his boyfriend Smoky Joe 
smooching with his best pal Traildust Ted.  Don't worry, though, Dolly has a love slave 
in the attic who just might be available for such an occasion.


For Men Only

Kill and run nude, how your boss spies on you, and our latest imported sex racket all seem like interesting topics.  I suppose the guy in red caught his boss spying on him and pushed him out the window, but why do I get the feeling that they ditched the female and ran off together?


A Bit Extreme

"Shoot your load --- and die"
Seems a bit extreme, don't you think?
At least he escaped the blonde booby trap.



The cover image should have been for a story captioned "Roscoe was not about to let his only chance to get laid in over a year drown."  I do give "I Watched Myself Being Eaten Alive" credit  for being interesting, but it doesn't really fit the picture . . . if it was even meant to.


Man to Man

This one's cover teasers raise a number of questions.  Did the bulldozer jockey get raped in the Congo black wave of terror?  Which came first, the alcoholism or the nymphomania?  And finally, was the woman pirate the only queen on that ship?  Somehow, I doubt she was.  The guy in the hat looks like he has some definite designs on the prisoner he's holding on to for dear life.



I think they should call this "The Night Things Went Terribly Wrong at Joe's Crab Shack."
If those piranas didn't put you off seafood for a while, this might.


Innocent looking

This one looks quite innocent, but my dirty mind finds some inuendo there.


What they really want

I think we know what these two really want, and perhaps they got it once they learned how 
to jilt a woman . . . assuming either of them was ever interested in having one.


1001 Nights

After shooting the outlaw, perhaps the cowboy will go
 looking for his own 1001 Nights of Ruffian Dick.


Weasels and Zappa

And finally, as promised, we have the cover of Man's Life that inspired Frank Zappa and the Mothers of Invention's post-breakup album, Weasels Ripped My Flesh.  In case you're wondering, this was a real magazine and not the product of Mr. Zappa's fervid imagination.  The album cover is below:


Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Library Day

Today's theme is naked men in the library day, and we start with what is in all likelihood a modern photo.  There is a vintage element there, however.  The man is supposed to be Paul Levalley, a researcher who wrote an article about the history of nudist publications, many of which were stored in the library shown.  Mr. Levalley also wrote a book on nudity and culture.


Floral Armchair I

This is the first of three appearances in today's set by that floral armchair
and the first of two by this particular model.



I would say the model here looks like he's basking in the sun,
but he's in the library, so it must be something else.


Bit of a Mess

I probably shouldn't dignify this messy scene by calling it a library.  How about 
"messy bedroom with a pile of books?"  Having said all that, the model 
and his hair pattern are a delight.  Happy trails, anyone?



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Floral Armchair II

Here's that floral armchair again, and it's the same model in a different pose.



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Only a watch

This model took off everything but his watch.  Both the books 
and the carpet were already old when this photo was taken.


Subdued Armchair

This armchair has a more subdued print and a smiling model.



Many years ago Miss Magnolia Thunderpussy and I both came across a different photo of this model in another setting.  Both of us had our trollop alarms go off simultaneously.  Yes, I know that's horribly judgemental, but such was Ipernity in those days, and such was MMT and her cohort.



The leather upholstered armchair is a classic, but I can only 
describe the cowboy model (if that's what he is) as oddball.



We get a peekaboo tease from a model who seems 
to be in a combination bedroom and library.


Floral Armchair III

That floral armchair makes its third and final appearance of the day.
The gruff looking model seems a bit excited.



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