
Saturday, June 29, 2024

Musical Day

Our theme for the day is musical models,
and we start with a handsome piano player.



I really like this drummer, and if  you look closely,
 there's poster in the background that mentions leather.



I stole this one from James over at Men From Back Then who thinks it is by AMG.
Thanks, James!



I couldn't do this without at least one reference to an organ, so here it is.


Not about the music

Even though the guy on the floor seems to be holding a musical score,
I somehow think this photo has little or nothing to do with music.


Vintage or not?

I can't tell if this one is really vintage or just made to look like it.


Unconventional position

That probably isn't the best position for playing the piano, but who cares?
I'm really quite taken with the model's expression and other asset.



I always wanted to play the saxophone, but can just barely play the radio.
I have been quite good at playing the stock market, however.


Sonny Lookalike

The last time I posted a (different) picture of this guy and his piano, several of you swooned.
One viewer said he was a better built version of Sonny Bono.


On the beach

Our last musical number shows a nudist guy playing his flute on a beach.


Friday, June 28, 2024

Navy Men

 There's something about a sailor . . . 

What is it about sailors that makes them so sexy?  Today we look at a variety of Navy men in a variety of settings, starting with some early 20th Century Russians I found on a French website.

No story

I wish I knew the story behind this photo.


Submarine I

These guys are cavorting on the deck of a barely surfaced submarine.


On special offer

It pays to advertise.



These early 20th Century Danish sailors are learning to swim.
Typically, one of them is quite happy to be photographed nude.


Those uniform pants!

I've always thought that the guys who designed U.S. Navy uniforms had to be gay.
You get a hell of a view from any angle, whether its a shapely bottom or a crotch bulge.


Submarine II

It's been over five years since I first posted this picture of German 
submariners showering on deck, so I thought I'd give it another go.


A few more beers . . .

A few more beers, and we can guess where all this cuddling is going.  The two oldest 
looking have that smug, happy look of knowing you've got a good thing going.
Second from left looks like he just might be falling in love.



These beefy sailors seem to be taking advantage of the rain to rinse off
after bucket baths.  The ship was LST-170, and the year was 1944.


Three guys

And last, but not least, we have three navy men who knew what they wanted,
even if they couldn't get it right then.  Patience, fellows.  Patience.


Thursday, June 27, 2024

Jean Ferrero Duo Day

It's been so long since I did a Jean Ferrero series that I decided to post an all duo set
 to make up for lost time.  We start with Eddie Spremberg and Jean Daniel.


Bud and Bob

Bud Lanter and Bob Felix posed for Jean Ferrero among some pines.
Bud appears later in this series with his brother Gerard.


Michel and Jean

We get a classically beautiful Jean Ferrero Riviera seaside setting 
in this very nice photo of Michel Polsky and Jean Daniel.


Francois and Frank

Our sole color photo of the set features Francois Rossi and Frank Hollfelder.
Mr. Hollfelder eventually took up photography himself, and from what 
I can tell, tried to flood the market with pictures of himself.


Christian and Andre

Something off to the right has caught the interest of Christian Dancale (right) and Andre Oge.


Two guys named Rene

Jean Ferrero chose a rocky setting for this shot of Rene Domine (top) and Rene Inaudi.


Unknown . . . for now, anyway

I feel like I should recognize these two, but I don't, and Google Images search was no help.
They are probably European bodybuilding champions as many of Jean Ferrero's 
clothed models were shot for "legitimate" bodybuilding magazines.


Lanter Brothers

These are the Lanter Brothers, Bud and Gerard.  I think that's Bud on the left,
but I could be wrong.  I've been wrong lots of times.


Kid and Alex

This one is from a moderately extensive Ferrero photo shoot of Kid Pomer and Alex Nitzche.



I think that's Tito Cento ar left, but I don't recognize the other guy.